About Us
“World Class Care”

Home Heathcare
What is in-home care services?
In-home care is a non-medical service that allows an individual to remain in their home comfortably with a disability or aging.
What does home care consist of?
Personal care, including bathing, mobility and toileting. Respite care, companionship, monitoring, medication reminders, laundry, light housekeeping, meal preparation, Nursing total care mentally and physically.
Do my parents, family members, or I need this service?
You may ask yourself this question several times
If you can check 3 out of 5 of the questions below,
it might be time to consider in-home services.
- I wonder throughout the day about my parents?
- Have he/she fallen recently?
- Did my parents take their medicine?
- Their/my health condition is declining
- Have they taken a bath today?

Are there other forms available that will help ensure my health care decisions are known and followed?
Other forms that you may want to be aware of include: Authorization to Consent to Health Care for a Minor, Organ Donor Card, Portable Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orders, and Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST).
¨ An authorization to consent to health care for a minor is a legal document that allows parents with sole or joint legal custody of a minor (under 18) to authorize another adult to make certain health care decisions for their child or children in their absence. For more information, go to: www.ncleg.net/Enacted Legislation/Statutes/HTML/BySection/Chapter_32A/GS_32A-34.html.
¨ An Organ Donor Card is a document that allows you to donate your organs. You can become an organ donor by expressing your desire to donate in your will, by authorizing the NC Division of Motor Vehicles to put an organ donor symbol on your driver’s license or identification card, by completing an organ donor card or other document, or by authorizing that a statement or symbol be included on the NC Organ Donor Registry.
You also may authorize an agent to make an anatomical gift of organs under a health care power of attorney. To make sure your wishes are honored, you should discuss organ donation with your family, friends, and health care providers so they know and can carry out your wishes. You can get an
organ donor card from the North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State Advance Health Care Directive Registry at: www.secretary. state.nc.us/ahcdr. (more…)
Our Services
Who decides about my medical care or treatment? If you are 18 or older and are able to make and communicate health care decisions, you have the right to make …
Get in touch
Also Accepting Referrals and Applications at:
1502 W. Nash Street, Suite H Wilson, NC 27893 (252) 399-1191 (252) 399-1193 - FaxContact US
Rocky Mount
NC 27804
United States